About RootsAction

An Independent Initiative

Frequently Asked Questions.

Past Accomplishments.

Team and Board Members.

Press Inquiries.

RootsAction was founded in 2011 by two longtime progressive advocates and journalists, Norman Solomon and Jeff Cohen, and quickly grew.

We need a fresh approach to defend the public interest and expand social justice. Our country faces an increasingly extremist Republican Party that is largely a subsidiary of corporate America, and a Democratic Party whose leadership is enmeshed with and compromised by corporate power.

RootsAction is dedicated to galvanizing people who are committed to economic fairness, equal rights for all, civil liberties, environmental protection -- and defunding endless wars. We mobilize on these issues no matter whether Democrats or Republicans control Washington D.C.

We will not be silent as the federal government continues to squander billions of dollars on foreign wars, causing destruction and hatred overseas while failing to meet the needs of the vast majority of people in our country.

We will not stand by as people lose their jobs, homes, healthcare and income due to corporatist policies abetted by both major parties.

We will take action -- independent of both party leaderships.

That’s why RootsAction has been strongly endorsed by such respected, independent-minded progressives as Jim Hightower, the late Barbara Ehrenreich, Cornel West, Daniel Ellsberg, Naomi Klein, Bill Fletcher Jr., Laura Flanders, former U.S. Senator James Abourezk, Frances Fox Piven, Phil Donahue, Sonali Kolhatkar, the late Lila Garrett, and many others.

When progressives have fallen into making excuses for an unjust and untenable status quo -- they've helped "populists" of the right wing to masquerade as the agents of change.

RootsAction is mobilizing behind policies that actually address the immense economic, social, racial and environmental problems facing our country -- including Medicare For All, Green New Deal, cancelling student debt, cutting the military budget, and substantially raising the minimum wage.

Our goal is to organize people who are already active into an independent political force, while reaching out in a genuinely populist voice to those who are not committed progressives. This is crucial for defeating the corporate-financed and media-fueled right wing, which so deftly utilizes racism, fear, myth and outright lies.

RootsAction pledges to resist the policies of the Republican right at every turn, while confronting the Democratic Party's tendency to give ground to GOP obstruction in the name of “bipartisanship.”

One of the most heartening recent developments in our country is the rise of independent media that reach millions each day with reporting that exposes not just threats from the extreme right, but also vacillation and corruption among Democrats. These millions represent a base of informed, active Americans that RootsAction seeks to empower and mobilize.

Corporate power over both major parties is afflicting and poisoning the body politic. Genuine democracy is the antidote.

RootsAction is open to all those who seek a more just and peaceful world; contact us with your ideas for issues we should address and actions we should take.

1500 West El Camino Ave #370
Sacramento, CA 95833

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News and Views


  • "If we do not organize the great grassroots, we are doomed to be under the total control of corporate America. We have regressed to the days of the robber barons in the early last century -- but this time, these corporate thieves own and control the mass media. We need to organize to prevent an invasion of Iran and to extract ourselves from Iraq and Afghanistan. And we must begin to take care of our citizens." - Former U.S. Senator Jim Abourezk, early endorser of RootsAction.org